About Bob Hartley
Bob Hartley is a highly sought-after prophetic voice around the world and is known as a Patriarch of Hope. He has made it his mandate to see God loved well and rid the world of despair through the paradigm shifting perspective of hope. From his next door neighbors to world leaders, Bob's message of hope has brought forth transformation to the lives of individuals across every sphere of influence. Hartley Hope Ministries™ aim is to train and equip Hope Reformers (like you) with advanced spiritual tools to bring forth a culture of prayer, revival, and reformation.
Bob Hartley

Our Vision is to Bring Forth Hope to 50 Million People
From Hopeless to Hope-filled in every area of life
Hopelessness is giving in to a temporary belief that nothing will ever change. It only feeds into a culture anxiety and depression that we're all too familiar with. But it doesn't have to be that way. A Hope-filled perspective has the supernatural ability to change the reality of your circumstances and others around you. It enables you to overcome adversity, trials, and the troubles of life. When you establish these 5 Pillars of Hope in your life, you'll begin to see a change in the atmosphere of despair into an atmosphere of Hope.
putting Him first in love
Hope in God is a redeemed view of Him in all of life. It is choosing to believe the truth of who He is, that He is bigger and better than any circumstance or situation that we may face, He is “for us” and our success is ensured! It was amazing when I learned I could count on Him at all times. As I truly took on the healed and expanded view of God I saw He is enough for every circumstance, He continually performs miracles (which only He can do), and His friendship is my incredible and ultimate reward. I wake up daily desiring to adore His name, to declare His goodness,
putting Him first in love
Hope in People began in my own life with my father saying to others, “You are of great worth.” Jesus calls forth the unique value in everyone. As I learned to focus on who they were created to be – which is what God does – I ceased to look at what they were not. I became clear that people matter and are of incredible value to God. We need to make room in our hearts for others because God has and He says that love is always worth it even when it is not easy. I asked God to show me who I sometimes took for granted. He told me. He will always tell me who I can love better and when I appreciate others, I am appreciating God. Seeing God’s love and joy for others reminds me He has great plans and hope-filled futures for each of His children. As I look through God’s lens for people, I see beauty instead of ashes. I come into agreement that there is always hope for everyone.
developing great intimacy and trust and building on our knees
Hope in Prayer establishes the principle of “building on our knees.” This is where I became committed to knowing God in all of life; to stop and be with Him first, to consider God and His plan first and foremost. He is inviting His people to see what He sees, to clear the fog of our unbelief that perceives rejection rather than His leading love. This is where He lets us see what He sees for in communing with Him, He opens His heart to us.
I am committed to prayer to exalt Jesus in cities, in communities, in the marketplace, and in every arena of life until He returns. Hope in prayer is a healed and expanded view of prayer that helps us to see that:
⋅ All things are possible through prayer
⋅ Prayer is necessary
⋅ Jesus took time alone each day to be with His Father in prayer
⋅ The chief way of building is in devotional and intercessory prayer
believing in and praying for communities and people groups
In my life journey, I have realized how critical it is to care deeply and to have a redeemed view of hoping in Cities and Nations. God showed us throughout the Bible how He cared about cities and nations, as well as communities and organizations. Hope in cities and nations helps us to see that:
⋅ Loving your city and nation is loving God well, for He loves cities and nations ⋅ His desire is for us to truly dwell in our cities and take ownership
⋅ We are called to be the ones who bring transformation to our city and nation
trusting and building into our future leaders
As a sojourner, I became incredibly committed to future generations, confident of God’s plans and commitment to young people. This created a desire to raise up youth in the true knowledge of the God of all life and to really see them smile at their future. Remember how Jesus wanted the young ones to come unto Him? It is the desire to see young ones raised up as ‘Champions of Hope’ and not allow them to be wanderers along the way or those living wasted lives. Wonderful lives are for the youth! It was also important to give the youth the right tools and opportunities to grow in their ‘kingdom callings’ and in their love for God, a healed and expanded view causes us to see that:
⋅ The next generation is beautiful
⋅ Their futures are worth fighting for
⋅ They are a blessing We choose to love, mentor and raise up the next generation with faith and hope to be leaders as hope reformers as they step in their callings.
Expand. Train. Restore. Equip.

expand Our view of God
The current view of God in the marketplace is not OK. He is to be seen as our partner and not as distant. God is not just God in the corners of the earth. He is they God of All Life! To help restore the “Forgotten Faces of God in Benevolence” within the marketplace and other institutions of life.
Train The Next Generation
We are committed to “raising up Champion of Life” and not allowing wanderers in the land amongst the youth. We will give them the right tools and opportunities to grow in their Kingdom calling and love for God. We will help them create business that will become equipping centers for “values and vision.”
Restore Prayer As Our way forward
To re-establish the principle of “building on our knees” in devotional and intercessory prayer as our chief building methodology. We are committed to knowing God in the marketplace to stop and be with Him before building and, to consider God and His plan first and foremost. We are committed to the establishment of prayer for the exaltation of Jesus in cities and in the marketplace until he returns. Life is about encounter with Him!
Equip People in The Marketplace
There are many who have legitimate callings in the marketplace, who are to build cities and the kingdom of God. Our goal is to validate their callings and equip them fir their fruitful love expressions to God in all of life. We’re going to support them with all of our hearts.
Join the Mission
Help us reach 50 Million people by becoming a Hope Reformer. We want you to be able to hear, see, and be healed by Jesus, the Man of Hope so that you can transform the world. Here are a few resources for you to join our mission to bring forth hope in every arena of life!
Hope Terms
What Is Hope
Hope is “an anticipation & belief in God for good in all of life and the future that changes everything.”
Hope enables us to see a very, very, very long wayout in confidence in Him!⋅ HOPE enables us to see another future.
Hope is a “Perspective OF ABUNDANT LIFE”
HOPE IS AN “Unseen invisible power”.⋅ Love SECURES a heart, but HOPE ADVANCES a heart.
First love is sweet, second love is deep, but third love is a FORCE CALLED HOPE.
Romans 15:13 NIV – “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him”
Hope Reformation
The Hope Reformation is a movement of God in the ear at this time, where not only the expression of Christianity has changed to a “sermon on the mount” lifestyle but where the nature of Christianity is changing to express the very nature of God as the God of Hope. Through the firs reformation we learned that we are saved through grace only,not by works, giving us eternal security and answering the question: “how are we saved?”The Hope Reformation answers the question, “how then shall we live?” It opens up the door to walk with God and commune with Him and bring His presence into all of life and in every arena.⋅ Exodus 33:15- if Your presence does not go with us, donor send us from this place⋅ Hosea 2:15- He turns the Valley of Achor (challenge)into a door of hope.
Hope Reformers
Hope Reformers are those with a 3rd perspective, not that of the world or their own, but God’s perspective of hope- a view from God that transforms hopelessness and despair to a life filled with hope. They restore hope in God in all arenas of life and in the 5 Pillars of Hope.“Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5 (NIV)Hope Reformers will be established in 5-Pillars of Hope(Psalm 27:4)165
Hope in God – putting Him in first place in all of life
Hope in People – being keepers of the promise for others and calling forth their destiny.
Hope in the Next Generation – they are a blessing and our reward
Hope in Prayer – building on your knees
Hope in Cities and Nations – dwell in the city and love Him well by loving cities and nations
Hope Centers
A Hope Center is more than just a physical location. It is adecision to live out and build out hope wherever we live andfunction. A Hope Center is anywhere that a Hope or a Godview is moved into the center and where His presence is theanswer to all situations and circumstances. Hebrews 3:13Types of Hope Centers:⋅ Church/Ministry Hope Centers⋅ Kingdom/ Business Hope Centers⋅ Education Hope Centers⋅ Arts & Entertainment/ Media Hope Centers⋅ Family Hope Centers⋅ Community or National Hope Centers⋅ Individuals as Hope Centers
Marketplace Reformers
Marketplace Reformers are ones who are anchored in theknowledge of God and bring hope into the marketplace.They provide an OASIS Hope Centers – rich veins in thesetimes and seasons. They have a unique Knowledge of God’svoice and they perceive the “Unique Value” and “Knowledgeof God” to be discovered in the marketplace. MarketplaceReformers open up the gates of cites and nations (as inPsalm 24) and invite the King of glory in to all of life.
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